Assistant & Stylist Training Program

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Not sure how much time & money it will cost to train your Assistant or new Stylist? Or how much to expect to make once your Assistant is trained?
How much more revenue should you be able to generate while working with an Assistant and how to schedule for profit?
What should the plan for your Assistant be once they are ready to take their own Clients?
Taking on an Assistant can be an amazing way to grow yourself professionally and your business financially.

Many Stylists and Salon Owners have reaped the benefits but have had to wing it when it comes to planning, structure, money, time and revenue goals.
My package lays out the 4 phases of training, the cost and potential profit in each phase as well as what working with your Assistant will look like for up to 1.5 years.

This training guide is designed to:

1. Create a tangible timeline for each phase in the training process.
2. Outline the standards that should be set for your Assistant in each phase of training.
3. Show you how to determine when they are ready for the next phase.
4. Create a custom schedule for you Assistant based on their experience and training timeline goal.
5. Estimate your total investment in time and money as well as your return.
6. Show you how much your new revenue goals should be when you add your Assistant.
7. Show you how to adjust your schedule and revenue as your Assistant starts taking clients of their own.

This training package comes with a digital planning schedule, education checklist, money modeling tool and a pre-recorded virtual class. These class sizes are small so that we can have a true Q&A during instruction and after.

Assistant Training Training With A Commission Stylist