Course Category: Independent Courses

  • Money Trauma, Boundaries & Consultations

    by Michelle Wheatley
    • Money Trauma, Boundaries and Consultations - Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $350.00.


  • Mind Your Business: Virtual Access

    by Michelle Wheatley
    19 Lessonsin

      There are many financial aspects of operating a Salon that are not fully understood by Business Managers, Accountants, and business Owners. In the past, this has resulted in a loss or low returns and cash flows issues.

    • Commission Stylist: Modern Menu & Hybrid Pricing Course

      by Michelle Wheatley
      20 Lessonsin
      • Commission Stylist: Modern Menu & Hybrid Pricing Course - Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $299.00.

      There are many financial aspects of operating a Salon that are not fully understood by Business Managers, Accountants, and business Owners. In the past, this has resulted in a loss or low returns and cash flows issues.

    • Overhead Mini Course

      by Michelle Wheatley
      • Overhead & Budget Calculator - $49.99
      • Overhead & Product Calculator Bundle - Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.99.

      Calculate the cost to operate your business and your hourly break even using this simple worksheet! You need to know the minimum cost to operate your business so that you can price yourself for profit.  This simple worksheet will do all of the math for you whether you’re paying for something weekly, monthly or annually. What’s Included:Downloadable excel fileInstructional video link

    • Custom Product Calculator

      by Michelle Wheatley
      • Custom Product Calculator - $49.99
      • Overhead & Product Calculator Bundle - Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.99.
      • Calculator & Personal Budget Bundle - Original price was: $199.97.Current price is: $174.97.

      Calculate your product costs with this customizable product calculator! How much are you spending on product with each client? This could be costing you more than you think.  With this custom calculator you wont have to guess anymore! What’s Included:Downloadable excel fileInstructional video link

    • Assistant & Stylist Training Program

      by Michelle Wheatley
      • Assistant Training Program - $499.00

      Not sure how much time & money it will cost to train your Assistant or new Stylist? Or how much to expect to make once your Assistant is trained?How much more revenue should you be able to generate while working with an Assistant and how to schedule for profit?What should the plan for your Assistant be once they are ready to take their own Clients?Taking on an Assistant can be an amazing way to grow yourself professionally and your business financially. Many Stylists and Salon Owners have reaped the benefits but have had to wing it when it comes to […]

    • Modern Menu & Hybrid Pricing Course

      by Michelle Wheatley
      22 Lessonsin
      • Modern Menu & Hybrid Pricing Course - Independent Business - $349.00

      There are many financial aspects of operating a Salon that are not fully understood by Business Managers, Accountants, and business Owners. In the past, this has resulted in a loss or low returns and cash flows issues.

    • Booth Rental Salon Owner Business Package

      by Michelle Wheatley
      22 Lessonsin
      • Booth Rental Salon Owner Package - $1,250.00

      Are you an Independent Beauty Pro or planning to be one? Not sure if your menu and pricing are helping your business or holding it back?

    • Personal Budget Bootcamp

      by Michelle Wheatley
      • 1:1 Independent Stylist Business Package - $749.00
      • Personal Budget Boot Camp - $99.99
      • Calculator & Personal Budget Bundle - Original price was: $199.97.Current price is: $174.97.

      The first step in planning out your career goals is knowing the minimum you need to make to: Pay your bills Save for emergency reserves Have fun Save for retirement Time Pay your taxes (yay!) Join me in my Personal Budget Boot Camp as I walk you though: Getting a clear picture of your financial obligations. Saving for emergencies, retirement, time off & how to plan for taxes. Planning for your business once you understand all of these numbers. Once the product is purchased, you will be sent the class and materials through email.

    • Independent Stylist Business Package

      by Michelle Wheatley
      19 Lessonsin
      • 1:1 Independent Stylist Business Package - $749.00

      Are you an Independent Beauty Pro or planning to be one? Not sure if your menu and pricing are helping your business or holding it back?